Beaverton Chiropractors : FAQ

Beaverton Chiropractors FAQ
As a Beaverton Chiropractor we hear many questions from new and current chiropractic patients. Here are some of the most common questions and answers…
How much will it cost for the initial visit?
We believe that a conversation between the doctor and the patient is the only way to accurately estimate the costs of an initial visit. Therefore, we offer a complementary 15 minute consultation between you and Dr. Richman to discuss a brief overview of your history, treatment goals and costs of treatment. The cost for the initial visit can vary from $50-$245 and varies according to your treatment goals and needs. Here at Greenway Chiropractic Clinic we are sensitive to our patient’s ability to pay.
Do you accept insurance?
Yes, we are a provider for nearly all insurance companies and are experts with the treatment of motor vehicle injuries, worker’s compensation injuries, and obtaining insurance benefits from the patient’s insurer. Click here to view our “Financial Policy” page to see a complete list of insurance companies.
Are chiropractic adjustments safe?
Yes. A New Zealand government study found that adjustments are “remarkably safe.” Chiropractic care enjoys an excellent track record, and that is why malpractice suits against chiropractors are minuscule in comparison to those against non-surgical medical doctors. A thorough exam can identify the rare person for whom chiropractic care might be unsuitable.
What should I expect during my first visit?
You will have a 10-30 minute to explain your history and your goals with Dr. Richman to discuss your symptoms and health concerns as well as possible treatment options. Then Dr. Richman will perform a chiropractic examination that includes postural evaluation, mobility tests, and orthopedic/neurological tests. We estimate one hour for the initial visit.
Will I need x-rays?
In some cases, Dr. Richman may recommend taking x-rays, which are done at a local imaging center, in order to further diagnose your condition. Once I am an established patient, how long will my visit take?
Treatment for established patients, a typical office visit may require five to 25 minutes (depending on patient needs). We recognize your time is valuable. So we do everything possible to run on time and minimize the impact on your busy life.
How many visits will I need?
The number of adjustments varies with each patient and their individual health goals. Many patients feel relief after the first adjustment. The number of visits is unique to each individual as treatment varies based on patient goals and type of condition(s). We generally recommend a trial of care to start then care as needed till we have achieved your goals with stability.
Some back pain is normal, right?
Pain of any kind, at any age, is a sign that something isn’t right. Pain is the way your body signals that a limit has been reached or a problem has developed. Like tooth decay, or heart disease, degenerative changes advance in the spine for years before developing pain. Classic is the 30-something person who arrives with intense pain for the first time in their life. In most of these patients, their episode is more likely the result of years of degeneration and weakening of the spinal joint than any recent trauma. The old saying an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure often applies.
What is that “popping” sound that occurs during an adjustment?
Often patients believe the sound is a result of bones rubbing together, but this is not accurate. The sound is created by something called “joint cavitation.” It’s a fancy name for the release of pressure in the fluids surrounding an immobile joint that often accompanies chronic or recurring back pain. Once motion of the joint is restored, circulation and healing to the spine joints is restored. As joint pressure is released, it is thought that the gas in the fluid of a joint shifts, making the sound.
What other types of services does your office provide?
Dr. Richman strives for the best care and return to healthy for his patients. To accomplish this we may use Physical Therapy, Massage, ultrasound, sine wave, taping, manual therapies such as Instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation (IASTM), cupping, Ischemic compression, electronic stimulation, and cold laser treatments. Please contact our office for more specific details.